Recognize Your Strengths and Work on the Rest – Just Like Everyone Else

Recognize Your Strengths and Work on the Rest – Just Like Everyone Else

When it comes to remote work, many of us turn to think about all the hard skills, those tangible, technical proficiencies we need to master.  #ExcellentAtZoom #OwnAGreenScreen.  However, soft skills are just as important, if not more essential. Teams, especially groups that no longer have the benefit of sitting right across from each other, need…

Working with Intent

Working with Intent

Don’t be busy, be purposeful. It isn’t always easy to connect your day-to-day work to your HR job description. If your role hasn’t been easily outlined – use this framework to think about connecting activities to outcomes.  A job can be divided into three categories: activities, outputs, and outcomes. To be successful in your job, it is useful to understand the difference between…

Wasted Cash Value of Employee Training Programs

Wasted Cash Value of Employee Training Programs

In 2018, billions of dollars were spent on corporate training and development across the United States. Billion! The good news? The total amount of training investment has been on the rise for the better part of the past 30 years. Intuitively we know that developing employees is a good thing. However, the real problem is what happens after the…

Soft Skills Training in the Workforce

Soft Skills Training in the Workforce

When it comes to workplace skills, they can be categorized into two types: hard skills and soft skills. These different skills are relatively unalike from one another, but both are needed to be successful on the job. Hard skills are tangible skills that are explicit to your job and are mandatory for you to do your work. For example, if you’re a chef cooking, this would be an example of a hard skill. Soft skills on the other hand are relational or people…

Successful Tips to Give Negative Feedback and Drive Productivity in The Workplace

Successful Tips to Give Negative Feedback and Drive Productivity in The Workplace

Delivering negative feedback as a manager is the key to developing strong employees. However, many leaders are intimidated to do so and often avoid it, or they feel it is unnecessary for their time. This results in them either leaving feedback until the annual performance review or firing an employee when they don’t meet their expectations. In turn, employees feel attacked for something…

How Soft Skills Are the Future

How Soft Skills Are the Future

In a recent research study that surveyed 50 countries (5800 executives), it was found that the biggest breaks in the business were not “digital skills,” but behavioral skills.  While digital and technical skills are in high demand, these individuals and job positions can be filled and replaced easily and rapidly since these are hard skills and can be easily taught. Most college graduates and young professionals have the digital skills…