Recognize Your Strengths and Work on the Rest – Just Like Everyone Else

Recognize Your Strengths and Work on the Rest – Just Like Everyone Else

When it comes to remote work, many of us turn to think about all the hard skills, those tangible, technical proficiencies we need to master.  #ExcellentAtZoom #OwnAGreenScreen.  However, soft skills are just as important, if not more essential. Teams, especially groups that no longer have the benefit of sitting right across from each other, need…

Working with Intent

Working with Intent

Don’t be busy, be purposeful. It isn’t always easy to connect your day-to-day work to your HR job description. If your role hasn’t been easily outlined – use this framework to think about connecting activities to outcomes.  A job can be divided into three categories: activities, outputs, and outcomes. To be successful in your job, it is useful to understand the difference between…

Writing a Job Description that is a Roadmap for Success

Writing a Job Description that is a Roadmap for Success

Writing a job description can be an intimidating and occasionally time-consuming task for many managers. This article focuses on the key concepts of what they do, how they should do it, and the measurable business results. When the answers to these three foundations are explained, they outline the central responsibilities of any job that make for an effective job description.  A job title alone is not sufficient. How can you fill a job opening if…