Corporate Education Turns Digital

Training will be needed in-person from time to time but for the most part, any education and training that can be completed online will be taught online, from now on. Companies have understood they can do it faster, successfully, and more cost-efficient online. 

Even prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, corporate education was taking a turn into the digital learning world. While schools are frivolously attempting to reopen campuses back to full capacity for the fall, companies on the other hand are swiftly and silently planning never to do the exact opposite, switching to mostly virtual training. This is because all the expenses of catering, booking a venue, taking out time from business, and etc. all adds up. When comparing the fast and efficient high-quality online versions that can be taken anywhere at any time, it is almost crystal clear on which is the better choice for corporations.  

A great example of a company that has turned to operating fully online is Twitter, which has now turned over its employees to work 100% from home. They even conduct all their employee training at home. Online courses are developing ever so rapidly that they are now customizable to individual learners and can adapt to individuals learning needs. Even the best in-person training has never been able to do such a thing. This can be accredited to new and improved technology that we have access to in the 21st century. Gone will be the days of broad slides that do not apply to every employee and their learning style. It is predicted that in the near future we’ll be seeing an explosion of high-end global online options across all industries. 

Besides the obvious variances between online and in-person education that Covid-19 has brought to light, perhaps the biggest reason is presented for the swing to online: the need for measure and speed. This is because of in person training’s high cost and incapability to measure to thousands of employees in a swift method. Corporate education was already on board with digitalizing training due to the rapidity at which business is moving and the requirements to keep employees appropriate in their current jobs and ready for new ones that develop with the changing times. 

Of course, there will be the occasional group of employees who will miss and prefer in-person training. However, online is the new reality in the working world because it’s now the only practical solution during Covid-19 and even further in the future. Maybe the schooling industry will stick to in person or hybrid education, but in the corporate world, the decision has already been made. 

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